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The kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of POLITE took place in  Reggio Calabria, on the 21st and 22th of June 2012. All the partners were represented and the work on the project has commenced.
The two day meeting agenda included presentations on the administrative issues of the project,  financial guidelines and reporting practices as well as technical presentations by all partners.
POLITE partners will work together in the exchange and transfer of experiences and improvement on policies, knowledge & good practices on infomobility services in their regions, with the goal of improving their public transport information systems. In addition, POLITE plans to establish links with other experienced regions from outside the partnership, offering support for bilateral exchange on selected infomobility topics.


Polite Events - Past

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POLITE Project Final Conference in Cosenza

  After more than two years of cooperation between research institutions,  public agencies and administration of six countries around the topic of  ITS, the POLITE Project Final Conference in Cosenza (ITA), on 9th October 2014, will give the opportunity to present and discuss the achieved results which are proposed to the wider community of technicians and decision makers. The POLITE conference is...

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Steering Committee meeting

Steering Committee meeting

The Steering Committee meeting and Technical Management Board meeting of the POLITE project took place in Poznan, Poland from 9th to 11th July 2014.

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The European Commission organised its 4th Conference on Intelligent Transport in Europe in Brussels on 02 December 2013

During the ITS Conference 2013 topics such as Major ITS developments, Seamless travel / Multimodal travel information and planning services (including access to transport data) and the Deployment of co-operative systems were discussed. More information, programme  and webstreaming was available on the website: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/its/events/2013_12_02_its_conference_en.htm

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POLITE disseminarion events during the Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication conference, 16-19 October 2013

The purpose of the conference was to bring together academics and professionals from all over the world to discuss the themes of the conference: Theory and Applications of Reliability and Statistics Reliability and Safety of Transport Systems Rare Events and Risk Management Modelling and Simulation Intelligent Transport Systems Transport Logistics Education Programmes and Academic Research in Reliability and Statistics The focus was on current research in Logistics. Research in...

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17th to 20th September 2013 - Steering Committee and Technical Management Board meeting

The next Steering Committee meeting and Technical Management Board meeting of the POLITE project  took place in  Ferrara, from 17th to 20th September 2013.  During the meeting was held also the Intermediate Workshop, Study Visit and Training Workshop.

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La Provincia di Ferrara  ha il piacere di invitarLa al Workshop – Dissemination Event nell’ambito del progetto EU POLITE (Policy Learning in Information Technologies for Public Transport Enhancement)   http://www.polite-project.eu : “L’INFOMOBILITÀ NEL TRASPORTO PUBBLICO – IL PROGETTO POLITE” Ferrara, giovedì 20 Giugno 2013 (h. 9.15 - 13.00)  In allegato potrete trovare l’Agenda del Workshop – Dissemination Event    Si prega di registrarsi QUI entro martedì 19 Giugno 2013

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POLITE met for a Good Practice Round Table in Reading, UK

POLITE met for a Good Practice Round Table in Reading, UK

The POLITE project partners have identified 31 EU proven good practices in public transport information systems for exchange coming both from the consortium and from external non-project sites. The project partners have been busy the past months with meetings, interviews and site visits to the non-project sites in order to select the ones that would best match the needs and...

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The second Steering Committee meeting of the POLITE project

The second Steering Committee meeting of the POLITE project

The second Steering Committee meeting of the POLITE project took place in Riga on 27 September 2012. The meeting was organised by our partner - LaTDEA. The meeting was very succesfull with clear conclusions and actions we must undertake in the near future. The meeting ends with the approval of the Steering Committee of all decisions taken. The next meeting...

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The kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of POLITE took place in  Reggio Calabria, on the 21st and 22th of June 2012. All the partners were represented and the work on the project has commenced. The two day meeting agenda included presentations on the administrative issues of the project,  financial guidelines and reporting practices as well as technical presentations by all partners. POLITE partners...

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