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Calabria Regional Administration (IT) – Leader partner

Calabria Region, thanks to the geographic position and structure of its territory (a long strip of land located in the heart of the Mediterranean), has always deemed “transport” as being a key development topic at both external (mainly maritime) and internal levels.

In a region where the use of the car exceeds EU average, the administration current efforts aim at improving the urban environment and the citizens’ quality of life through the adoption of several measures such as: general restructuring of the system, strengthening, optimization and modernization of public services, encouragement of slow mobility, implementation of dissuasive methods regarding the use of private vehicles, introduction of informative technologies to support travellers’ mobility, etc.

At EU-interregional level, the Region has been actively involved in several cooperation projects in the course of the last (and current) EU funding periods, often as lead partner. Topics covered include: accessibility, passengers’ flows, cross-border systems, innovative solutions on mobility and logistics, enhancement of sea shipping in the Mediterranean, etc.


Role in the project:
Project Coordinator, Transfer Site

Calabrian Regional Administration
via Molè, 79
88100 Catanzaro
Avv. Valeria Adriana Scopelliti
Chief Operating Officer
Tel: 0039 0961-852057
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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