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Province of Ferrara (IT) - PP2

Province of Ferrara is located in the North-Eastern part of Italy in Emilia-Romagna Region along the axis Venice-Florence-Rome. The Province comprises of 26 municipalities with a total population of about 350,000 inhabitants.

The Province is a local intermediate public body with relevant competences (as well as delegations from the Emilia-Romagna Region) in several fields, amongst which territorial management, planning and development. In that it is responsible for the definition and implementation of the Territorial Coordination Plan, and thus it has competences of territorial steering and coordination. The administration is organised into departments with specific competences.
As far as POLITE project is concerned, the department involved is “Territorial planning, mobility and energy”. It carries out institutional coordination for transport planning with specific competences in the field of green urban transport development.
The Province has policy power and jurisdiction on Public Transport services planning and organization also through the Agency of Mobility - AMI of which it is the major shareholder.
The Province has specific skills in infomobility related to the realization of the first real time monitoring and control centre of road traffic of the Emilia Romagna Region, the creation of a Network of Institutions - so called Observatory - for road safety, the demand responsive transport system (approximately 800,000 Km-bus/year) in rural areas with the lowest density of the province made of an informatic hub for booking and routing of the buses. What is more, in the urban area the Province has implemented variable messages panels with traffic information, events and parking availability info. It carries out a policy making institutional coordination for transport services planning together with Emilia Romagna Region, AMI and with the Municipalities of its territory.

In the POLITE project it would provide its know-how in policy making and in specific infomobility interventions such as the implementation and managing of the road traffic monitoring centre, the DRT-taxibus system, etc.. On the other hand, the Province is keen to learn from partners to improve its policies, in particular with reference to the tracing and dynamic weighting (WIM devices), the monitoring of traffic flows through the information collection centre  with the view of creating an intelligent Provincial Mobility Station, real time updating services for both private and public transport means' traffic flows at provincial level through the localisation of private mobile devices, transport and infomobility services mainly during big events.


Role in the project:
Good Practice Site

Province of Ferrara
Corso Isonzo, 36
44100 Ferrara

Domenico Casellato
Tel. +39 0532 299 922
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