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POLITE first newsletter informs about the benefits of infomobility

The newsletter is one of the five issues which will keep readers regularly informed about progress and developments, as well as events in which POLITE has participated or will participate. This first issue gives an overview of all POLITE sites, presents the project’s objectives, and provides a short introduction to the concept of infomobility. Infomobility services collect transport information through ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) and thus lead to improved mobility of persons and goods. By bringing together partners with different experiences in the field of infomobility, POLITE aims to replicate best practices around Europe and contribute to harmonising ITS standards and solutions. In an interview with Simon Beasley, Network Manager from Reading Borough Council (UK), he presents the UTMC initiative, a UK approach for the development of open ITS specifications in urban areas, and talks about the benefits of interoperability. RBC will serve as a good practice example in the project. POLITE will also be present at the ITS World Congress and the Annual Polis Conference with dissemination material.

To read the newsletter, go to: http://www.polite-project.eu/public-documents/summary/62-newsletters/10-newsletter-issue-1-september-2012

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It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.
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