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What is a Good Practice?

INTERREG IVC identify a good practice as:

“an initiative (eg methodologies, projects, processes and techniques) undertaken in one of the programme’s thematic priorities which has already proved successful and which has the potential to be transferred to a different geographic area.  Proved successful is where the good practice has already provided tangible and measurable results in achieving a specific objective.” [Ref: www.interreg4c.eu - Glossary]


What is a POLITE  Good Practice?

The target for POLITE is to identify 30 Good Practices and therefore it is necessary to identify what project partners define as a Good Practice.  

POLITE partners identified a detailed list of 54 measures / scenarios which comprehensively cover the overall objective of POLITE project.  Good Practice sites are likely to have implemented a system / systems or services each of which are likely to cover a range of the 54 detailed measures. Examples of systems would be a Real Time Passenger Information system, a Smart ticketing payment system or public transport priority at traffic signals. Each separate system / service, where they are clearly distinct and could be implemented on their own can be considered to be a POLITE Good Practice Measure.  

POLITE is focused on the application of Information Technologies for Public Transport and hence the target of 30 Good Practices identified should be technology based. However, through the course of the project, non ITS based Good Practices may be identified which relate to a site identified to provide and ITS Good Practice and these should also be collated as additional Good Practices. An example of a non ITS Good Practice is Reading’s Premier Bus route network which has distinctly coloured buses for each route which enables passengers to identify ‘their’ bus very easily.

Process of Selecting Good Practices in POLITE

During the first year of POLITE the project partners finalized the definition of the infomobility measures and policies that they intend to share as well as to see implemented in their sites. In this framework, ten groups of public infomobility related measures/policies have been identified, amongst which for example, ‘Public transport information’, ‘Public transport operation reorganization into multimodal system’ and ‘Public transport legislation and regulation’. A detailed methodology for search and exchange of good practices was then prepared to ensure a common framework for all partners' searches and analyses. This process intends to identify 30 EU good practices deriving from the identified measures and policies. As identifying the correct sites is key, a two-stage process was agreed with an initial identification of a 'long list' of good practices, which was undertaken in 2012.
In the beginning of 2013, the project partners shortlisted the good practices that will be analysed in-depth by means of specific questionnaires and site visits, which have started in February. The analysis of the selected good practices through detailed desk questionnaires and site visits to non-project sites (1 per technical partner) will then be included in one single common report that will lead to a "good practices round table" (the meeting took place in May 2013 in Reading, UK).

The classification of GPsconsists of five following groups:

  1. Public Transport and/or Multimodal Information Systems
  • Bus Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)
  • Real Time Passenger Information Systems (RTPI)
  • Real Time Traveller Information Systems (RTTIS), bus stops, on bus, in public locations, on web, on mobile devices
  • Journey Planning Systems (single mode / multimodal)
  1. Public Transport Fleet Management Systems
  2. Public Transport Interchanges
  3. Public Transport Priority Systems
  • Bus priority at signals
  • Bus Gates / Bus Lanes
  • Enforcement systems eg bus lane enforcement
  • Access controls
  1. Public Transport Payment Systems
  • Pre Pay Contactless Smart Cards
  • Innovative Incentive Schemes.


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